מיטגלידערשאַפֿט —
װערט אַ מיטגליד/
אַבאָנירט זיך
מיטגלידער פֿון דער ייִדיש־ליגע באַקומען אונדזער געזעלשאַפֿטלעך־ליטעראַרישן זשורנאַל אױפֿן שװעל. דערצו װעט איר באַקומען מעלדונגען װעגן אונדזערע פּראָגראַמען און פּובליקאַציעס, װי אױך הנחות אױף געװיסע פֿון אונדזערע ייִדיש־מאַטעריאַלן. מיטן װערן אַ מיטגליד אין דער ייִדיש־ליגע שטיצט איר אונדזער אַרבעט אױפֿצוהאַלטן ייִדיש װי אַ לעבעדיקע שפּראַך.
Members of the League for Yiddish receive a subscription to our Yiddish magazine, Afn Shvel. You will also receive notification of our cultural events and publications, as well as discounts on some of our Yiddish-related materials. Your membership in the League for Yiddish supports our efforts in maintaining Yiddish as a living language. The cost of shipping Afn Shvel is included in the membership price except in the case of Institutional Membership, with shipping charges as follows: domestic (USA): $6; Canada: $10; and other international: $23.
How to Join/Subscribe
Select preferred Membership/Subscription below.
Click “Add to cart.”
Check out, providing the following information:
—— your mailing address
—— your email address
—— your payment information.
If the member’s mailing address is different from the billing or shipping address in your order, please specify the address information in the “Comments” section when you check out, or send us an email at info@leagueforyiddish.org to clarify the member’s mailing information.
Please email us at info@leagueforyiddish.org with any other questions (e.g. how to purchase multiple memberships), or if you are experiencing difficulty ordering.
$25.00 | $50.00 | $75.00 |
$100.00 | $100.00 | $250.00 |
$500.00 | $750.00 | $1,000.00 |
$2,500.00 | $5,000.00 |